Thursday, August 27, 2009

To Girls... (December 4, 2006)

Dear Girl,

I just thought that you should know that I love you for the way you are. I don’t care that you think you have imperfections, because I can’t see them. I can only see you. I see you in the world around me. I see you in my dreams. I will think about you before I ever meet you. I will think about you when I am with you. But most of all, I will think about you when you are gone. I will comfort you when you are hurt or in pain. I will help you when you are confused or in need. I will hold you tight when you are afraid or cold. If I ever hurt you, than I am sorry for how that makes you feel. I am not sorry for the good times or even the bad times because that is how we grow. Don’t lie to make me feel better or not tell me what is wrong. But if you cry, know that I am crying with you even if it is only on the inside. Know that you are my reason for living and why I choose to wake up each day. If I don’t show you that you are special or treat you with respect, than please, please give me another chance. In this life, none of us were made to be perfect or complete and so God gave me you. So give me a moment and an opportunity to show my love for you. When I kiss you, kiss me back. When I embrace you, never let go. When our eyes meet, I hope you will smile too. When I hear your voice, I will always look for you. When I talk about you, I will never say an unkind word or allow others to either. When I laugh, it is because I love just being with you. I hope you will understand that I will never lie to you because I would do anything for you. And if you break my heart, I will never forget you and though, it may take time, I will always forgive you. You are stunning and you are beautiful, sometimes cute, but never hot. Because you are more than just a person and a body, but a spirit, a daughter of God. You are my strength and my purpose. You are my one and my only. I was privileged to know you and blessed to love you.

I will always be here,Your faithful boy

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