Monday, May 27, 2013

If I Only Had 25 Words...

We had a few really good lessons this Sunday about appreciating the people we have in our lives.  First and foremost, the women we have to hold and cherish who make us better and help us have the desire to be as well.  I don't know if I will ever be able to really express my appreciation for the wonderful examples in my life.  But I love and appreciate every moment with a tenderness that is hard for me to express.  But the next thing that really struck me hard this last Sunday was an exercise that dealt with the following experience:
President Thomas S. Monson shared the experience of Jay Hess, an airman who was shot down over North Vietnam in the 1960s: “For two years his family had no idea whether he was dead or alive. His captors in Hanoi eventually allowed him to write home but limited his message to less than 25 words.” President Monson asks: “What would you and I say to our families if we were in the same situation—not having seen them for over two years and not knowing if we would ever see them again? Wanting to provide something his family could recognize as having come from him and also wanting to give them valuable counsel, Brother Hess wrote [the following words]: ‘These things are important: temple marriage, mission, college. Press on, set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year.’”
What words would you write to your children if you had 25 words or less?
I thought long and hard about this assignment and each time I tried to determine what I would have done for my family, I always found myself writing something new.  The first two came out something like this:
  • Conversion
  • Covenants
  • Personal scripture study and prayer
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Becoming Better
  • Overcoming weaknesses and temptation
  • Worthiness
  • Temple attendance/worship
  • Continual Improvement
  • Honesty of Character
  • Patience
"Who am I?  How do my actions reflect my convictions?  Do I justify my actions?  How do I see others and treat others?  I Am."
It is a truly difficult exercise to find the right words to use and how I would be able to express my love and remaining words of wisdom to those that I cared most dearly for.  I don't think I would be able to know how to do it.  I am glad that isn't my cross to bear.  But I guess I will have to just live it instead... "Have faith. Never let love leave you. You are never alone. Temple marriage, smile daily, laugh often, give selflessly. Be yourself. Remember who you are."

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