Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Future Blessings

I don't know how many of you when you get off a high you suddenly find yourself in some sort of a low feeling? In any case, I found myself wondering when I would finally get a certain blessing I have been fighting for. And in your case, this might be some sort of desire or want, something you hoped to overcome and you have been struggling with for some time, or just anything you may have been wondering... when will it ever be my turn?

These may not directly questions about whoa is me... why me... you get the idea. But indirectly that is exactly what they are. I try to be happy for the people around me because they are my friends and I care about them. And I am sincere when I tell them congratulations on some sort of accomplishment or blessing that has happened in their lives. But then my mind wanders to... wait, what about me? When is it going to be my turn? When in reality if I was truly patient, my mindset should be more like... that is going to be me too some day. Blessings are never truly out of our reach. Some may not be meant for us and they would in some way be more of a burden than a blessing. Other times we aren't ready. We haven't progressed to where we need to be and are not yet ready to move on because we haven't learned everything that we needed to learn. But in the end, we don't need to fret. Any good desire can be ours in time.

The future really isn't so far away because every moment is new and every choice can lead us to where we want to go. We just need to steady our course and continue faithfully until our chosen time has arrived and then those blessings can become ours. Patience truly is the key.

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