Monday, September 20, 2010

Comfort Zone

Have you ever been to a birthday party where the parents have ordered one of those huge inflatable bounce houses? I once had a friend describe to me as that being her comfort zone. She was okay in certain places and certain situations, but outside of that it was tough for her to describe how she felt and what to do. I have been there too. I think everyone has had at one point in their lives. The difference is what we plan to do once we have to come to this realization.

I believe that comfort zones are really just a folly. I know who I am. I know my potential. And I know that as long as I refuse to doubt and trust in the Lord, then all things are possible. I know this because I have experienced it and I hope to experience it again. If we know who we are, we become comfortable in almost any situation because we know how to act. It is almost like our bounce house has become our very skin. If I know who I am, I can become comfortable with being myself. I can walk anywhere, go anywhere, be anywhere, and be okay being my true self. This means that I can even go into someone else's bounce house and be where they are. All they have to do is let me in without pelting me with all the plastic balls that are in there. You know the ones I am talking about. But why would I risk it? First off those stupid little balls don't hurt that badly to begin with, but if you are able to get someone to come out of their comfort zone and see the world for how it really is... isn't that worth it?

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