Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The World Is Just Scared

It is amazing how powerful words can be. They can inspire, enlighten, change the very world around us and the way we feel inside us. But sometimes this power frightens people. Saying somethings can produce some very interesting responses. For instance, the word love seems so underused contrary to common belief.

I am unusual in this but I believe that I truly do love people that I barely know. I have an uncanny ability of after a first impression to be able to find people's beneficial qualities and characteristics. I can see whether or not they have been hurt in the past and how. I don't know if it is a gift or a curse because I want to help them. And I have come to realize that the two best healers for those who are in pain, which really is all of us in some degree, is time and love. I am still working on the first one but I truly do love people. Each person is special but we can often forget as we see all these things in others that we forget it in ourselves. Or in the other extreme, we cannot find love because we can only see ourselves. Pride or doubt. Again the cure is love because true love is the opposes both of these. Love is selfless and confident.

I think that these two things are again what scares people the most. That anyone could love them so quickly or so quickly but to be confident enough to express it as well. There are people that I care for deeply that will never say those three words to me. Yet, I can say it to them unequivocally and with sincerity. Still, is that so wrong? I am confident and I love with confidence. Yes, it is immature at first but it is real. And like anything else, it can grow if it is given time and attention. At first, I'm not willing to do everything for my friends. Everything is not enough. I am willing to do anything. Many times, this is used against me but it still doesn't stop me. I learn from it and I grow because of it.

I am a lover. I am a giver. And I'm not afraid to say what I think and feel. I go against the world. It is fear of the truth. But the truth just doesn't disappear or go away. So I will keep on dreaming and living and loving. Three little words that mean so much that are never said enough. The world is just scared.

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