Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wandering Within The Details

Daydreams sometimes can be the best dreams. It is funny because usually they happen when you are trying to concentrate the hardest. Whether your focus is on a thought or a conversation, it is like your mind is walking along and then gets distracted all the sudden by some small important yet ironically insignificant detail. For instance, I was talking with a friend through Skype because we live far away and as we were talking and laughing over things, it was almost like watching her look down at her screen made me feel like I was there in the room with her. I began to feel as if she was looking down at me as I lay on the ground below her, listening. I could see her hair fall over the contours of her face and as I studied her face, I caught myself falling into her deep beautiful eyes. I smiled when I thought of what her perfectly formed lips must feel like. Slowly I left this place within the details, reluctantly returning back into to the real world. It is these moments where I am happy that I am alive, because this is exactly what living is all about. Having dreams and watching them unfold into a beautiful reality.

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