Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Fires of Faith

Suffocating in the beauty that surrounds me
Pained by this disabling despair,
Not knowing what feelings should be felt
Only knowing that alone I do care.

How do I break these bonds of anguish
And set free light trapped within,
How do we let go of love and life itself
Only to start over once again.

Does freedom come in no emotion
Abandonment of every feeling,
The deepest wound is in the silence
Loneliness that sends me reeling.

How does one be happy for another
When he himself is consumed by grief,
How can one with no eye for the future
Hold on tight to faith and belief.

Humbled unwillingly by the sorrow
Driven forward to my knees,
Crying out as I have done for ages
A Father in Heaven pleading please

Forgive me my trespasses and take my burdens
Help me navigate this storm,
Heal my heart - fill me with thy Holy Spirit
Through my life purpose form.

Take back with thy arms this fallen soldier
Hold him tight in warm embrace,
Come to aid him in this his long lost battle
Don't delay but come in haste.

Although I feel the darkness clouding and surrounding
Hope from past experience tells,
That no matter how deep the pit nor how gloomy
There will be an end to all my hells.

Whether in this life or the next does not matter
In my darkest hour He does come
To rescue a drifting soul lost not forgotten
My Savior, the Only Begotten Son.

We who are all of grace the most undeserving
An entire world damned by choice,
Still loved seemingly by a God most forgiving
Justified only by a Brother's voice.

No explanations nor further reasoning can be given
Just let go and I will carry you.
Love the pain, love the healer
Unconditional love give I unto you.

So here lies encircled by temptation and by doubt
A weakened, bloodied, badgered soul
O Dear Redeemer, my Dear Redeemer
Make me a sinner once more whole!

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